Our oldest daughter’s birthday is in June, long after
school is out for summer. In her classroom they get to celebrate each child’s
birthday when the parent sends in a cake and/or surprises for the whole class.
My daughter wanted so desperately to celebrate her birthday with her class. I
suggested we celebrate her Adoption Day instead since that is in April. Well
that day fell during Spring Break, the day after Easter this year. It didn’t
get the fanfare she would have loved. We got busy with appointments and the
things of life. She never forgot. Finally we went out to the dollar store and
gathered some things for her classmates and got the cupcake liners. We made the
cupcakes and it is all ready to go to school. Her adoption celebration with her
classmates will be one month after the actual date. I thought I would give her
this letter in her book bag to read. I wonder what she will think?
The Original Celebration - April 9, 2007 |
May 9, 2012
Dear Hey,
I may not have been there to hold you when you were first
born, but I wanted to be. God was holding you for me. I may have missed your
very first smile, but God saw it. I may have not been able to feed, clothe or
comfort you when you needed it, but God brought you through the neglect to be
with me. I would have loved to have kept you safe, but know that God did.
Now you are in our family. We received you into our home
to feed, clothe and comfort you. I sang and rocked you to sleep. I wanted to
hold you all the time. You wanted to explore the world. We watched you smile,
walk and play. You came to our home as a foster child. We were a temporary
family protecting you until your birth family could figure out what to do. Your
birth parents saw how much we cared for you and could keep you safe. They let
you go so that we could have you be in our family forever. I wanted to be your
Mom. We chose you as our child to be adopted into our family. We chose to bring
you along our journey of worshiping and honoring God with our family. I am
grateful to God for giving me the privilege of being your Mom. Thank you for
being our little girl. We adore you and will always love you as if we were
there from the day you were born.
The world officially recognized our choice to adopt you
and have you be a part of our family along with your sister on April 9, 2007.
No matter what day it maybe today, I celebrate your adoption everyday you are
safe with us. Every day is adoption day for us.
Your Mom
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalm 139:13-16
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